Appraisal Coaching and Diamond Grading
Two new courses offered at a discount to members!
As an appraiser are you looking to start your own business but are not sure how to begin?
This 90 day program contains the following as some of the benefits you will receive:
get a clear vision for your business to increase your cash flow
help you determine your clients and where to find them
create the foundation to reach your goals to alleviate stress moving forward
help you prioritize your equipment to save money in the start up
one hour weekly calls to keep you motivated and moving toward your goals
Spend 30 hours learning about the 4 C’s of diamonds in a relaxed atmosphere either in your location or mine. A great course for the retail employee who does not want to be a gemmologist but would like to be more informed about the #1 seller in the jewellery industry.
Upon completion of this course the successful clients will have as some of their benefits the following abilities:
Describe the formation of physical properties of diamonds in a way consumers understand
recognize the influence of colour, clarity, cut and weight on diamond pricing
practice methods of colour grading and cut grading of diamonds for easier recognition
Grade complete diamond grading document including internal and external characteristics of a diamond
How to read a diamond grading report
CJA members receive 20% off on each course
These programs are created and facilitated by Karen Howard FCGmA, RMV, CAP-CJA, IMJVA an Independent Appraiser for past 18 years and an experienced instructor. For pricing and more information contact The Language of Gems at 519 546 0112 or email